I do not yet have a post written under this title but I want to publish the title anyway.
As I've been led from the startling recognition that Glenn Beck's rally was a spiritual deception to more and more information about the last of the last days we've most certainly entered, I realized I want to pull back from all worldly interests and concentrate on studying how we are to deal with these things.
As I note in my post on the end times panel discussion by the pre-trib rapture people, I do believe that Israel is the key to the last days of planet earth, but I don't believe the church is going to be raptured. I think we are going to go through the tribulation because down through the ages the church always HAS gone through great tribulation and there's no reason to think the church of the last days should be excepted.
I linked a letter by Corrie Ten Boom written in 1974 about how the rapture idea is a deception that can only weaken Christians spiritually at a time when we need to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
I expect to eventually write more on this here, Lord willing.
4 hours ago
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