Sunday, April 17, 2011

Are you an Extra-Terrestrial waking up to your Mission?

How is it possible for people to come to believe that human beings were originally extra-terrestrials? I've just found another version of this rather popular New Age idea. There seem to be many versions but they share many similarities. One version has "ancient astronauts" having come to this planet in ancient times to "seed" it with life including human beings, coming back in recent times to see how we're doing and offer us their superior wisdom for dealing with our problems.

This one I just became aware of addresses people as if they believe that they were originally extra-terrestrials themselves. Now the planet is "evolving" away from its problems and the awakening or awakened ones are being addressed by "Mission Control" concerning their mission, which supposedly they signed up for back when, although they've forgotten that as well as everything else about their origins. The mission involves "birthing" the planet "into the light," and "becoming your own Messiah."

The mission isn't all that clear to me, kind of rambles around a number of vaguely related concepts, nor am I able to digest the implication that ALL human beings are unawakened extra-terrestrials although only some are "evolving" or awakening to their mission. Not that it matters really. The whole thing is a fiction designed to lure vulnerable souls into some sort of demonic trap. There are always those who are flattered as the ones "in the know" in such a scenario as opposed to those outside, poor stupid unevolved unenlightened unawakened things, like Muggles. Obviously anyone who is attracted to this kind of story is someone they want to reach for purposes of deepening the indoctrination, the rest aren't accessible to them anyway.

Here is a video that apparently presents the gist of a book titled ET 101 that purports to be an instruction manual for people who have discovered they are really extra-terrestrials on a mission. It's written by Diana Luppi with an "entity" called Zoev Jho, who on one website I found she says is really just herself under another name, and "Mission Control." The book is described as having a lot of humor, which is unusual for this kind of thing. There is a bit of this in the video, but there are of course people who will find the whole thing laughable anyway.

Toward the end of the video there is a picture, with no explanation given, of a typical New-Age sort of mandala thing with a spiral in the middle, reminiscent both of the yin-yang symbol and two sixes intertwined (instead of the usual three), which reminds me of the Seoul Korea figure among other things. At the end of the video the reader is whimsically told to prepare for the Second Coming, because "you're it," and "you are the Second Coming." News to me of course and any of the rest of us who are waiting for Christ's soon return (or the Rapture, followed by the short-lived reign of the Antichrist whom the deluded will accept as the Christ).

Then goes on to say:
Mission Control does not wish to stay on this topic very long because we are aware of the charge that surrounds it due to 2,000 years of organized denial.
Hm. "Organized denial." Righto, poison the well any way you can. Wouldn't want to stay on this topic TOO long because the truth might penetrate the misty clouds in the head of some wannabe ET that Jesus Christ is coming back and blow the delusion to bits. The only "organized denial" here is this statement that implies our expectation of 2,000 years is false. Denial, anyway, whether "organized" or not.
For this reason we will give you only one more helpful hint: Become your own Messiah -- why wait?
Yeah, that's going to do you a LOT of good, to usurp the position of the true Messiah who alone has the power to save you from this very sort of lying demonic seduction with its sweet-sounding music and its pretty images.

Here's the website for ET 101. And here's its self-identifying statement:
“The Old World's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome.

In fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and interdimensional forces have gathered on this planet at this time to liberate her in the name of Spirit.

The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; however, anyone who opts to explore that process further is free to do so — just not on this planet. Such people will be allowed to continue their experiments with limitation on some other piece of planetary property that is at a less advanced stage in its evolution.

This is the most critical moment of change in this planet's history, and your assistance in that change is vital.”
Get right to the point, don't they? If we don't agree with them, off with us! Who's in charge here? THEM! Whoever they are. THEY want to "liberate" "this planet" from US, it looks like to me. "The Earth has elected..." to evolve beyond "limitation." The Earth itself can "elect" something? Of course those of us who are addicted to "limitation," whatever that is -- us poor unevolved Muggle sorts you know -- and those of us who experience fear (of what? Them perhaps?) are no longer welcome here. But we are merely being "graciously asked" to leave, not forced -- so I recommend a rebellion. Prayer for starters.

Of course Christians in particular are targeted by such a devil-inspired message -- clearly there is no God in this scenario, just wise ones from outer space -- but there are countless others who aren't interested in their program either. Christians MIGHT be taken away in the Rapture -- I'm still not convinced one way or the other about this -- and that would require all these demonic entities and their human followers to have an explanation. So they could explain our disappearance as a necessary -- graciously requested -- relocation due to the fact that we are so much less "evolved" than this planet deserves.

There seem to be quite a few of these demon-inspired notions of taking some people off the planet going around these days, mostly in connection with this sort of New Age or UFO-inspired drama. Suggests that perhaps THEY believe in the Rapture, or are at least hedging their bets just in case. But what about the nonChristians who don't accept this demonic nonsense but won't be raptured? If anything like this scenario does start unfolding THEY are going to have plenty of fear, but they'll still be here although fear is supposed to be a disqualifier. (How clever of them to smear their opponents with the accusation of "fear.")

They have a handy Census Form so you can identify yourself according to your extraterrestrial level or something like that:
1a. I AM:

An Extraterrestrial Master
A member of the Angelic Hosts
A Council, Federation, Alliance and/or Command member
An Interdimensional Adept, Master or Lord
A member of the Special Forces
A Group Soul posing as many human beings
All of the above
All of the above except
Other (please specify below)
Do note: They invite the person to identify as "I AM" in all caps, the name of God Himself. This is also a popular blasphemy these days. There is no God, it's just us -- and Them, whoever they are, but we know they are on our side, they are really the source of all the God ideas, but stupid people misidentified them, you know, us Muggle types, unevolved types, unawakened, unenlightened, whatever.

If you read on you will find a section of humorous comments on the claims of this website, apparently submitted by various readers, that they allow you to check -- in case you are of that turn of mind, meaning you aren't one of Them, who are the only ones they want to reach anyway:
Feel free to beam me up. There really isn’t any intelligent life down here.

This planet is in no shape for an evolutionary leap. It couldn’t even withstand an evolutionary hop, and I advise immediate reconsideration of the entire plan.

I don’t remember signing up for this mission. If I did, is there any such thing as a discharge? Dishonorable is fine with me.

I believe I have struck upon a better planetary transition plan which does not require my direct participation. Can we talk?

I live in Wilton, Connecticut and have mistaken my portfolio for my identity. Is there any possibility of me and my portfolio being restationed at this point?
It's very tempting to dismiss this sort of thing with humorous remarks (and they are cute, aren't they?), as just another crackpot delusion, but I have to say that there's enough of this out there now, and enough people who take it seriously, as well as Christian exposes on versions of it, that it's foolish just to dismiss it as a delusion. It IS a delusion but it's a demon-orchestrated delusion and demons are very real.

So all this must be part of the End Times drama the devil is setting up behind the scenes these days, trying out this and that perhaps, seeing what will float. The purpose has to be among other things to bring his demonic hordes onto the planet in huge numbers.

People ARE asleep about these things, including Christians who ought to know better.

The video says that "they" aren't permitted to invade, they must earn their right to alter this planet. Apparently they are succeeding. Simply gaining the consent of people they've deceived acts as an invitation and the conferring of the right they seek.

I have to assume that people can still be saved out of this kind of demonic delusion. Sometimes I just pray that people learn that "Whosoever calls on the Name of the LORD shall be saved." Of course they have to believe in that Name.

Mon 4/18: Another New Age concept related to the above is the "walk-in." This is a term I encountered as far back as the 80s or maybe even 70s as people advertised themselves by it in New Age tabloids. After I became a Christian in the mid-eighties I recognized that there was only one way to understand it: demon-possessed people -- IF of course they weren't just pretending to be something they weren't.

I looked it up this morning and found a Wikipedia article on it that traces it to the Seth books that became cult favorites in the 70s, books that were "channeled" by spirits through Jane Roberts, and goes on to discuss many popular versions of the idea.

The whole thing is about demon possession, the channeling of the concept, the concept itself.

How did America get demon-possessed? There were always such phenomena in the West, though in isolated pockets for the most part, and the Wikipedia article mentions earlier versions of it. There was a rather large movement in the 19th century in the theosophists and other spiritualists which seem to have come out of the degeneration of Christianity in formerly Puritan New England, with their seances and sometimes a sort of Christianized spirit talk. Henry James' novel, The Bostonians, has such phenomena as the background for the feminist movement -- in the character of a girl whose "faith healer" father induces a trance in her and invites the "spirit" to come to her in order for her to speak her feminist message. James also wrote The Turn of the Screw which is frankly about demonic manifestations (only people who refuse to believe in such things could interpret it any other way) and was generally fascinated with this sort of theme.

I had an aunt who dabbled in versions of spiritualism, for a while very involved in the teachings of Edgar Cayce who was known as a healer -- no doubt in my mind that he heard from spirits; she was also interested in the earlier gurus who came to America, Swami Vivekananda for instance, Paramahansa Yogananda for instance, later got very involved in a spiritualist movement called Subud. She also loved the Antichrist poet, Khalil Gibran. She eventually became a born-again Christian. So I had some awareness of this sort of thing from her before I encountered it in other forms later.

It all seems to have multiplied enormously in the 70s. There was a massive influx of Eastern religions during that time, and religions with a shamanistic background which invites demon possession. Various channeled teachings became popular. Carlos Castaneda's Teachings of Don Juan became big then. The earlier Beatniks had embraced Buddhism and that was continuing to grow in popularity -- a friend of mine began to practice Zen during the 70s and went on to become a priestess. The Beatles had brought in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his pseudo-scientific Transcendental Meditation, and two couples of my acquaintance went on to become TM adepts and leaders. Various other Hindu gurus had their followings.

This no doubt deserves a post of its own when I can get around to it.

Later: Adding This link for further pondering.

And one on earlier Hindu influences in America.

And here's Christian researcher Caryl Matrisciana on Eastern religions and the New Age. And here's another part of the same interview..

Ai yi yi yi yi: I wonder how many are involved in this sort of thing already? Here's a video of what seems to be a little club of channelers of messages from the spirit world, treating it as quite commonplace, none of the old spooky stuff or hocus pocus about it. They get these messages from demonic spirits and accept them utterly uncritically, apparently just because they come from spirits, blind to any danger to themselves or any possibility that they are being deceived. The Delusion just keeps growing and spreading.

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