Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rick Warren's Daniel Plan Health Program -- major wing of the Apostate Church of the Last Days?

Something to listen to from Jan Markell's Olive Tree Views. This is her Understanding the Times radio program and her guest is the well-known exposer of occultic influences in the culture and the church, Caryl Matrisciana. They are discussing Rick Warren's new health plan with its influences from Eastern religions, such as Reiki and Transcendental Meditation. Get some understanding of what Rick Warren is bringing into the church, and get some historical background on some Eastern religious practices. Scroll down to January 22, 2011 - Hour 1:
January 22, 2011 - Hour 1
Caryl Matrisciana and Jan look into "The Daniel Plan" being kicked off by Saddleback Church and Rick Warren. Jan and Caryl expose the real danger behind this effort featuring three doctors who specialize in all things Eastern. Why is "America's Pastor" featuring a "Daniel Plan" that includes meditation, Reiki, Transcendental Meditation, and more? The health seminar was kicked off January 15, and continues every weekend for the new year. Teachers Dr. Oz, Dr. Hyman, and Dr. Amen come with a lot of baggage but that seems to bother no one because it's a Rick Warren idea. Caryl grew up in India and is in tune with the dangers of Eastern seduction which is on overdrive at Saddleback Church in 2011. www.caryltv.com Caryl's book Out of India can be found here.
More about Rick Warren: Here's Brannon Howse filling in for Jan Markell at the same site, doing a very complete report on what Rick Warren is really all about: Scroll down to Hour 2, November 20. Although it's necessary to keep saying that perhaps Warren himself is deceived, when you hear these things it's hard to think he doesn't know exactly what he's doing against the church. And besides, all the antichrist forces are deceived, really, that doesn't exonerate them.

I was very distressed to see that John Piper included Warren as his keynote speaker for one of his conferences last year, but I've been slow about getting information up on these things. The forms of deception that are coming into the church are multiplying at such a rate it's almost impossible to keep up with them. Whether Warren himself is fully cognizant of what he is doing in this direction or not is not as clear as some might think, and the radio discussion above touches on that, but whether he is or not he is certainly promoting deception in the church and that has to be recognized.

But then John Piper, one of the best of the best of our preachers these days, did the unthinkable and treated Warren as an orthodox Christian despite all the information that's come out about his beliefs, and that just about made my stomach drop to the floor. Talk about a sinking feeling. I saw a video of Piper explaining this decision, probably at You Tube, I don't know if it's still there, but all that does is confirm the horrible truth, that he too is deceived by these things.

I just found a blog that has been discussing this confusing lack of discernment by John Piper, and since he posts some helpful links I'm going to
add this link to him.

Piper is definitely one of the best preachers out there, but one has to wonder how far one can go into a failure of discernment before one can't come back. Of course we can pray for him. Not everyone would agree with me about some other failures I find in his work, his active endorsement of the modern Bible versions on an occasion I reported somewhere on one of my blogs in the last year (sorry to be so vague but it's there somewhere), and his being publisher of the book in which Thomas Schreiner (apparently also otherwise a strong Reformed preacher of truth) wrote the very muddled false argument on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 that I discuss on the Hidden Glory blog. Few if any in the Reformed camp would agree with me about either of those things as a failure of discernment, but I even wonder if there's a progression involved here. In any case to my mind it's all of a piece with the failure to recognize that Warren is a wolf in sheep's clothing -- I'll even grant that possibly Warren is simply naive, it's possible, but he's functioning as a wolf in sheep's clothing nevertheless, and as Caryl Matrisciana says, he's another we can pray for.


It's only going to get worse, too, folks.

Here's John MacArthur, another of today's greatest preachers (and another one who also accepts the modern Bible versions, although he has specifically criticized at least one of them, and another one whose views of the head covering of 1 Cor 11:2-16 I discussed on the Hidden Glory blog), on the inadequate gospel in Rick Warren's book, the Purpose-Driven Life:

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